Thursday, October 31, 2013

Week 5: EOC Social Networks and Job Hunting

Reading about how companies are starting to look for new employees through Facebook and other social media networks such as LinkedIn has opened my eyes to how much easier, and difficult it will to find a job for the years to come. I cannot fathom the idea that some day, paper applications and resume's will be replaced with your Facebook page. To think that I can get a job or lose a job based off a Facebook post is a little scary; however, I myself do not really post all that much on social networks. This in turn will make me look more professional than everyone else out there on these social media networks. I personally hope that the day when I have children they will be smart about posting on their pages or what ever new social media networking they will do, so that someday that they too can have a professional out look. I guess with all this new technological networking that my generation will have to be rather tough on our children to make the world a better, more advanced working force, but this only starts with us! So we cannot just sit around and make ourselves look unprofessional because its going to affect our lives down the road and possibly our children's lives.

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