Thursday, October 3, 2013

Week 1 EOC: My Voice

I am Eric Smith from Eric Smith Productions; also referred to as ESP. I primarily focus on mixing and mastering music. I also focus on Pre/Post production for several genres: All forms of Rock and Metal, Hip Hop, R&B and several different forms of Pop. My personal view is to bring back the raw emotion of artists back into their performance for their artwork. In today's music industry everything is so nonchalant and is taken for granted. If we as a community can focus on the aspects that have been lost such as; dynamics in both quality of audio and arrangement of the music primarily focusing on vocals (let us get rid of the auto-tune, the monotone singer that just stands there and talks into a microphone) and bring them back music will have a better impact on people. If we can all come together and decide to push out music that contained all of these the industry would be able to most likely boost revenue on an annual time frame. This means we start to phase out mp3 files; with the ever advancing technology with storage why do we need to be compressing audio files down to sizes that barely take up room. With radio broadcasting and the new developing technologies of online radio if we broaden up the audio spectrum to make the music sound more full people are going to be wanting more of that for the simple fact of quality. Over compression of files lessens file quality. Another aspect of music that has been lost in the sands of times is song meaning; lyrics. In today's era of music every artist, new artist and some old all write about the same topics; Break-up songs; explicit songs revolving around sex and drugs, and how much money or cool objects and luxuries an artist may own, his has all come down to the same song repeating over and over but in different versions.  I will admit that there are a couple exceptions that I personally view to be helping to bring back the same concepts that I want to bring back into music and perfect! Keep doing what you are and do everything in your power as an artist to not conform to what’s 'popular' on the radio or other social media. I can’t make these changes in OUR industry, not by myself. I need YOU the artist to help me make music better for the listeners! I focus on mixing and mastering so that your music sounds the same through all sources; ear buds, headphones, TV, Computers, Car Stereos Radio Broadcasting and many other places. It’s not up to me on how your listeners listen to your music; it’s the industries we work for! We as individuals have to come together and demand that we can make music more clear not for us but for our listeners. That is what my view is about, and my voice is only as loud as it can be through your voice. (Literally- you’re the singer; I’m not on the album.)

-Eric Smith

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